One of the key goals of the ARMOUR project is to design and carry out a train the trainer programme for first-line practitioners and civil society representatives on best practices in the field of countering extremist ideologies and polarization among young people, and integrating and using the ARMOUR experimental labs in their countering violent extremism activities.

Leveraging the knowledge acquired in Work Package 2 ‘Mapping challenges, needs, innovative solutions required in the process of prevention and de-radicalization’ from the experts interviews and focus groups and completing it with results obtained from the work being carried out by EU institutions, leading research centres in the field, other EU-funded projects dealing with radicalization as well as the partners' own research work in this field, the ARMOUR project will produce a report on existing best practices in Europe. The report will try to group these practices into different categories (e.g. type of practice: strategy, policy, instrument, technological tool; situation to which it is applicable: radicalization in prisons, radicalization of returnees, gang exit) and include a short impact assessment for each practice, thus making it easier for practitioners and civil society to identify the most suitable item for their current needs. The most relevant guidelines, tools, etc. will be published in the Tools & guides Section as well.

The train the trainer programme itself will be designed for first-line practitioners and civil society members and will include both a face-to-face and distant learning component. Due to the importance of this activities, it had found place in a designatied section of the website. Detailed information and documents will be published in the its Documents Section, and each training will be separately presented in the respective Events Section linked to the train the trainer programme.