Work Package 2 ‘Mapping challenges, needs, innovative solutions required in the process of prevention and de-radicalization’ (WP2) aims to (a) identify challenges and needs of first line practitioners working with children and youth in the area of countering violent extremist idea and behaviour; (b) identify and analyse best practices and available tools; and (c) validate the initial concept of the experimental laboratories.
WP2 will identity 60 experts from Spain, Italy, Greece, Malta, Romania, Austria and the Netherlands working with children and youth on counter-radicalization and carry out interviews with them. The content of the interviews will then be used as a basis to prepare the guidelines for the discussion in focus groups.
The focus groups will be carried-out with participation of first line practitioners, including academia representatives, educators, youth workers, social services and specialist professionals working with youth and child as psychologists, minor’s services and law enforcement agencies. Focus groups will be grouped on three different dimensions:
Religious-inspired extremism
Right-wing extremism with a specific focus on Islamophobia, hate and anti-immigrant crimes and
Left-wing extremism with a special focus on anarchist, animal rights, environmentalist and separatist ideologies.
Using this three-tiered structured, ARMOUR ensures that the tools and content of the experimental laboratories adequately address jointly or independently all strands of extremist ideologies.
WP2 is divided in nine sub-tasks, as follows:
T.2.1 Elaboration of expert interview methodology
T.2.2 Organization of expert interviews
T.2.3 Report on expert interviews
T.2.4 Elaboration of focus group methodology
Т.2.5 Validate findings with a focus group on religious-inspired radicalism
T.2.6 Validate findings with a focus group on right-wing radicalism
T.2.7 Validate findings with a focus group on left-wing radicalism
T.2.8 Write and submit the final report
T.2.9 Documentation on focus group completed
The deliverables under WP2 are confidential. However, all results and findings that are available to the public can be found in the Mapping challenges' Documents Section.
Information about each focus group under the project can be found in the Mapping challenges' Events Section.
The ARMOUR Consortium will regularly publish news on the WP2 development under the News Section. Meanwhile, in case
of questions or comments please get let us know via the Contact Section.