Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN): Members of the RAN working groups on Education (RAN EDU) and Youth, Families and Communities (RAN YFC) as well as the RAN YOUNG platforms will be invited to actively participate in project activities such as focus groups, experimental labs, validation or train of the trainers contributing not only to project implementation but to share and use the results. Representatives of the working groups will be invited to develop a study visit in parallel to the Granada steering committee, train of the trainers and/or the final event. ARMOUR’s methodology and guidelines will be presented as well to the RAN Center of Excellence and in the mentioned working groups or activities. ARMOUR will take advantage of RAN members’ expertise: RAN YFC will benefit in its work on the engagement with and empowerment of youth, communities and families, while RAN EDU will count on the project results as a complementary tool to better equip teachers in preventing radicalisation in order to empower and strengthen capacity to prevent, early detect, identify and deal with radicalisation in educational settings.
Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s Innovation Hub: to bring together civil society practitioners and content creators with the support of tech and social media companies, to provide sustained and strategic long-term support, dissemination and evaluation.
VOX POL Network of Excellence (NoE) is a European Union Framework Programme 7 (FP7)-funded academic research network focused on researching the prevalence, contours, functions, and impacts of Violent Online Political Extremism and responses to it. ARMOUR seeks synergy with VOX POL NoE and other similar projects under both FP7 and H2020 programmes that are focused on research and counter-narratives, with a global focus. They provide the necessary background for ARMOUR, which then moves the focus on the regional level and aims at credible alternative narrative through call for actions based on EU positive values.
‘Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality’ (DARE): a H2020 project that aims to significantly increase understanding of why and how young people become radicalised and our capacity to effectively counter radicalisation. It does this through integrating research, policy and practice objectives and its finding will feed ARMOUR preliminary researches.
‘Youth Counselling Against Radicalization’ (YCARe): an Erasmus + project that aims at supporting youth counsellors in preventing and combatting radicalization. ARMOUR will use the project repository on awareness raising, training and demonstration materials for youth counsellors, trainers as well as didactic tools for professionals working in the field of youth counselling.
‘Partnership Against Violent Radicalization in Cities’ (PRACTICIES): a H2020 project that mobilizes networks of European cities, experts from the fields of humanities, political sciences, information sciences to better understand the human roots of violent radicalization and to characterize these processes starting by their origins and to build concrete tools and prevention practices.
‘Mapping, IdentifyiNg and Developing skills and opportunities in operating environments to co-create innovative, ethical and effective ACTions to tackle radicalization leading to violent extremism’ (MINDb4ACT): a H2020 project that works to improve current counter-violent extremism policies generating new ones connecting through collaboration ecosystems (innovative, open, participatory, user-centred environments) to co-design interventions, research actions, exchanges, strategic-policy exercises, training courses and pilot projects based on social innovation and civic engagement schemes.
‘Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation’ (PERICLES): a H2020 project aimed to develop a comprehensive approach to prevent and counter violent radicalisation and extremism. Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation is especially dedicated to transitional processes of radicalisation.
'Understand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals' (TAKEDOWN): a H2020 project for developing effective and efficient security solutions against organised crime and terrorist networks. It develops responses to criminal threats by using a multidimensional approach including social, psychological, economic and cultural aspects and integrates technological prevention instruments and societal prevention approaches in the solution development.
'Building Resilience against Violent Extremism and Polarisation' (BRaVE): a H2020 project aimed at systematising existing knowledge and assessing the impact of policies and practices in preventing extreme ideologies and polarisation in European societies. The BRaVE Platform acts as a tool for collecting and sharing existing policies, projects, and research. It organises available evidence and encourage exchange and networking among established projects responding to extremism. The project consortium designs and creates online and on-site activities involving NGO practitioners and educators and develop policy tools that contribute to preventing and mitigating polarisation.
'Cooperative Harmonised Action Model to Stop Polarisation in Our Nations' (CHAMPIONs): an ISFP project aimed at developing offline collaboration models to establish working groups between first-line-practitioners. The offline approach is complemented and supported by a centrally developed platform tool and service package.
CHAMPIONs will establish permanent offline working groups combining first-line-practitioners (FLPs) of different disciplines, professions and institutions, to jointly counter polarisation, build resilience and protect vulnerable groups in their local communities. FLPs will be trained to build capacity and to design programmes for addressing the drivers of polarisation and to overcome institutional barriers. Their actions not only directly affect vulnerable individuals, but also the wider community as well as local and national policy-makers. Facilitated through an online platform, the long-term aim of the project is to transfer the CHAMPIONs pilot model to other communities across the EU. For that purpose, synergies with related EU-funded projects, platforms and networks will be established.
'BRIDGE – Building resilience to reduce polarisation and growing extremism' (BRIDGE): an ISFP project aimed at raising awareness among local actors and strengthening their capacity to reduce individual and collective vulnerability to radicalisation while at the same time mitigating the phenomenon of polarisation, by:
strengthening local polarisation detection and management tools;
assisting local authorities in the development of actions to tackle tensions and social unrest trends;
promoting community-based initiatives that imply cooperation between different public services and private actors; and
bringing together European local authorities and experts willing to address polarisation at the local level.
'Strengthening European Youngsters Resilience through Serious Games' (YoungRES): an ISFP project that aims to overcome the acknowledged difficulty of efficient interaction with youth and vulnerable population at risk of radicalization or polarization. To do so, YoungRES advocates a new innovative approach based on digital technologies to overcome this barrier, built on previous achievements by project partners in game technology, social media analytics, and eLearning (e.g. SAVEit, RiskTrack, CrisisTracker, Clutler, E-genius, SmaCC).
RaP - Rhizome against Polarisation: an ISFP project designed to support preventing polarisation at grass-root level developing a participative approach to equip and protect first-line practitioners, reinforce resilience in vulnerable groups and produce innovative policies aiming to prevent radicalisation and violent extremism.
ConnectFutures provides for interesting trainings materials, various multimedia content, and research reports. The organization have developed a diverse range of courses to increase understanding about the law, the path into and out of violent extremism, hate crime, gangs, and youth violence, and other intersecting safeguarding concerns, and the practical actions to help prevent and identify risk and vulnerability, available for both adults and young people.