Q1 2021 (tbc)

the Netherlands

Work Package 4 ‘Integrating best practices and training’ aims to design and carry out a train the trainer programme for first-line practitioners and civil society representatives on (a) best practices in the field of countering extremist ideologies and polarization among young people, and (b) integrating and using the ARMOUR experimental labs in their countering violent extremism activities. The training programme will empower first-line practitioners and civil society to better address the phenomena of radicalization and polarization among young people both by helping them make better use of existing knowledge in this field and also by providing them with a clear tool they can use in their work, that does not require an extensive allocation of resources and is complementary to existing efforts in this field.

The train the trainer programme will be me carried out in six countries: Malta, Italy, Spain, Romania, Greece and the Netherlands but covering the overall geographical scope of the consortium and opening participation to additional EU countries from eligible areas. It will include three days of face-to-face training followed by two weeks of distance learning.

The total number of participants taking place in the programme will be minimum 250 participants. The training groups (of approx. 20 participants/group) will include a mix of first-line practitioners and civil society members, so as to facilitate multidisciplinary approaches and networking.

More information on the implementation of each training will be published in due time! Meanwhile, in case of questions or comments please get let us know via the Contact Section.