
ARMOUR: Newsletter #15


ARMOUR: Newsletter #15

Newsletter #15 is the last one of the ARMOUR series and provides for a summary of the ARMOUR Toolkit and all its tools for first-line practitioners. E...

Tackling radicalisation and extremism through the ARMOUR Model and its use in practice


Tackling radicalisation and extremism through the ARMOUR Model and its use in practice

The ARMOUR (“A radical model of resilience for young minds”) Project, implemented with the financial support of the European Commission over a period...

Check ARMOUR video on the #EUPrevent YouTube channel!


Check ARMOUR video on the #EUPrevent YouTube channel!

The European Conference on Preventing Polarization & Violent Radicalization 'Strengthening Resilience, Fostering Innovation, Consolidating Lessons & P...

Mapping challenges

ARMOUR seeks to identify the challenges and needs of first-line practitioners working with children and youth in the area of countering violent extremist idea and behaviour.

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Experimental Labs

ARMOUR aims at designing, pre-testing and implementing a set of experimental labs based on cognitive-behavioural techniques and the learning by doing teaching method.

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TTT Programme

Our training programme will empower first-line practitioners and civil society to better address the phenomena of radicalization and polarization among young people and to use the ARMOUR experimental labs in their CVE activities.

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ARMOuR Toolkit

Our Toolkit will promote tools and smart solutions targeting vulnerable groups combining the experimental labs with best practices on working with vulnerable youth.

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