Newsletter #15 is the last one of the ARMOUR series and provides for a summary of the ARMOUR Toolkit and all its tools for first-line practitioners. End of June marks both an end and a beginning for the ARMOUR Project: while the project officially ends, our efforts to promote and share the tools we have developed with first-line practitioners, policymakers, parents, youth, and other stakeholders continue! Stay tuned for all useful materials we have prepared for you and follow us online @TheARMOURmodel!

Every two months the ARMOUR Project publishes a summary of its most important activities and events during the respective period of its implementation. Stakeholders could sign up for the project newsletters and be the first to learn about challenges, implementation steps and progress of ARMOUR within the project lifetime.

You can check our previous editions at the ARMOUR Media Centre Section. Subscribe now and be the first to receive them in future!